🤪 Mama, there a Mercury RX in Sag behind you
What a fucking they’ve-been-planning-this-since-Reagan-how-many-TIMES-do-we have-to-tell-you month it has BEEN amirite? 🤪 super good! FUN even. Whewww do the chains of pluto have their say right now. I’m simultaneously terrified and living for it because there is a beyond the beyond.
Pluto in Capricorn
2008 - 2024
You may see me becoming more unhinged over the next couple weeks/years but it just means I’m becoming more myself. As if there was ever any other option. Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are experiencing a paradigm shift. Pluto moving into Aquarius until 2040 means we are at the culmination of the Tower card. Aquarius rules over tech, innovation, humanitarian mutual aid, community, technology and social media.
Speaking of…
Threads and BlueSky are the platforms I am enjoying the most. Come find me!
Many of us are falling back in love with long form activities, blogging platforms (heyyy) and the platforms we originally began creating on. Tumblr is my revival, while Pinterest they could never pry from my clenched little hands if they tried.
I finished my monthly witchy journaling circle earlier, and got my ass handed to me by my own prompts:
I figured out that my only associations with Freedom are unfortunately this, screeching bald eagles, and watching evil (usually white) men get away with horrors unimaginable while making more money than my bank account has ever witnessed.
Is it any wonder I find letting myself exist in freedom from my own mind and body something to be afraid of when I’ve rarely witnessed freedom separate from a lens of violence.
Great. Now I have to figure out how to move through that information for the next four years.
Living most aspects of Project 2025 growing up as evangelical cult darling, my basic terror of lack of autonomy is something I grapple with on the best days. I’m exhausted from screaming about how this is going to happen on a world scale and no one taking it seriously except other cult survivors for so long.
There is peace in the collapse.
Philly locals! I can’t WAIT for this. I’m making a vision board for my Winter Solstice and bringing all the fun things so you can too! You’re welcome to bring your own cards and supplies. I will have a collection of decks to choose from to guide you in your inspiration.
As an additional add-on, I will read tarot for you based off preset prompts based on the winter solstice and one question of your choice. ❄️
December 18th 6 to 7pm EST Is my next Journaling Circle. Free to all! RSVP here
Tok kept shadowbanning me for 🍉 reasons, so I made a new account and updated my Linktree go check it out
In the meantime, I’ll be prepping myself to intentionally relax next week as much as possible and unplug.
FYI: Mercury RX in Sagittarius 🔥 🤪 😡 🔥 starts next Monday.
JUST in time for the holidays!!!
If you can, minimize your exposure to things that make your cortisol go through the roof. If you’re able to opt out, DO. If you don’t think before you speak…RETHINK IT.
Be prepared to laugh at the buffoonry. The world may be falling, but I’m determined to have a damn good time and help all I can.